Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I was raised a Protestant from birth. Which was my
training in scripture and Bible stories like King David stones
the Giant, The Flood with Noah, Jesus in the manger, ect...Trust
me, from my ~birth~ I have been grounded in the teachings of
Old and New Testament Law.

When I was a nine[9] year old child, swimming with children
at a loading boat ramp in Northern Alabama, with several mothers
watching on the river bank, over 20[twenty] witnesses
verified my near death drowning.

Unlike, what you may have read about NDE [near death experience],
I stayed on earth. Well not really, I could see the children
and mothers on the river bank from the tree top.
Yes, I could hear the private conversations of the mothers
and the laughter with playing and splashing of the water
via the children.
When the angel pushed me out of the water, from my foot caught
under my back [ I was stuck bent backwards, I totally emerged
and like a rocket f o r c e d to the surface ].
The water was gushing and gushing from my mouth into the
the screaming faces of the children. Like a horror film
I could not stop the gushing and force of the expelled water
and I pivoted left and right spraying water from the
gushing from my mouth, onto the terrified childrens faces.
Finally, in what was I am sure seconds, later recalling
being told not to ever discuss what I heard the women
on the river bank discussing [very adult issues].

By the way, no paramedic was needed. The force that jolted
me from the water knocked all the water out of my lungs.
When delivered to my mother and father with this news, I
was directed to keep this talk about an angel, my viewing
from the tree top and most important, the adults could not
figure out how I was under the water drowning and heard
the very risque` conversations I could repeat e l o q u e n t l y.

This is only part of what I experienced under the water...

However, within two[2] years from that NDE, my 11th birthday
year, a revival at church presented an opportunity for a
altar call for salvation.
I was the only person and/or child at the event, that received
and confessed out loud ` Jesus Christ is my savior `.
I was water baptized that night. The congregation had a
white fog like unto the mist of the manna in the wilderness.
Later that night, I told my mother that the ~white~ was so
much on the entire church, that I could hardly see the
audience. She told me, that the Holy Spirit would guide me
to understand one day what this was.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You had a most unusual Out of body experience. I want to know what those ladys were talking about.Ha! Seriously this must be for a grater purpose no doubt.
Gods blessings, Patrick from WW