Tuesday, June 17, 2008

BIO: Betty Jean Culpepper Clark [INDEX]

Timeline Bio : Betty Culpepper Clark

June 15, 2008




Dear Forum Reader :

Upon evaluation of the topic, ‘life and times’ of my personal experiences, I am sharing the following biography with you.

I was born in Lexington, Tennessee, 02-15-1959. This year (2008), I turned 49 years old. My father was trained by the 101st Airborne, Fort Campbell Kentucky. His training became the reason my family moved across the country, to many different locations. Not until my school age, did he resume his technical training in telecommunications, with a local telephone service provider in Dekalb County Alabama. Until 1968, our family moved around similar to a caravan group of contractors. This involved my father’s career, that resulted in his electrocution, falling off the telephone pole, then the jar of the ground kicked his heart back beating. The doctor examined his melted fillings inside his mouth. And this physician told him that if he had been a criminal, on death row, he would have survived the standard shock % and been by law a free man. I have one older sister and two younger brothers. I decided to list all of the cities we lived in :

* 1949, Deborah ( born in Lexington, TN )

* 1959, Betty ( born in Lexington, TN )

* 1960, David ( born in Pineridge, AL )

* 1963, Terry ( born in Mena, AR )

…The telecommunications industry, required our father to install pole wiring for telephone operations over bridges, etc.

( The following timeline, of locations will help set the events
in place, for the reader )

* Savannah, Georgia, I was 6 months old, 1959

* Jasper, Alabama, I was 2 ½ years old, 1961

* Mena, Arkansas, I was 4 years old, 1963 (Indian reservation)

* Stigler, Oklahoma, I was almost 5 years old, 1964 (Indian reservation)

( somewhere in this picture is Eugene, Missouri – I will check with the family for the correct date )

edited : July 17th, 2008

Yes, we lived in each of these States, they border one another on the map :

Stigler, Oklahoma + Mena, Arkansas + Eugene, Missouri





@2-3 years old, my father held me over a casket at a funeral home. He wanted to show me the face of this person, to pay respect. His hands slipped and I almost landed on the face of the deceased. Daddy caught me, just in time.

@9 years old, 1968, I was at a loading dock on the Tennessee River, Scottsboro, Alabama and I almost drowned. This near death experience involved water (emotions), a tree (DNA) and an angel (God/IHVH).

@11 years old, 1970, @Rock Church of Christ, Rainsville, Alabama, I was saved and water baptized. My mother at the service, told me to give my hand to the preacher and my heart to God. I witnessed a white fog come over the congregation, as a type of confirmation of the anointing I was under. During my acceptance of salvation of Christ as my Savior, I looked over the fog filled church, trying to focus my eyes. This is the first time I remember the scene, from the Old Testament, like the falling of the daily manna.

@14 years old, 1973, I contacted acute mono (kissing disease). No person at school or church, except me had this condition. I was out of school for three weeks with swollen lymph glands and spleen.
( the condition, is posted as follows ) :


Alice in Wonderland syndrome (AIWS, named after the novel written by Lewis Carroll), also known as Todd's syndrome[1], is a disorienting neurological condition which affects human perception. Sufferers may experience micropsia, macropsia, and/or size distorsion of other sensory modalities. A temporary condition, it is often associated with migraines, brain tumours, and the use of psychoactive drugs. It can also present as the initial sign of the Epstein-Barr Virus (see infectious mononucleosis).

@15 years old, 1974, my church investigated the sexual behavior toward me, by our minister, Pastor Mann. This investigation split the church in half. I was blamed for speaking out.

@16 years old, 1975, I married a man not knowing he was a medical diagnosed schizophrenia patient, former LSD user, who heard demons and demons spoke out of his mouth in other voices. He aligned himself with my church in Sylvania, Alabama, resulting in his attempted suicides and abuse of me.

@21 years old, 1980, I was 2nd & 3rd degree burned from the sun. I was put into the hospital for five days on IV’s, from dehydration. This combined with the mono, wrecked my immune system.

@22 years old, 1981, I start having a type of re-occurring mono. A Canadian physician, who had moved to Fort Payne, Alabama, had a nurse with similar symptoms and he helped me. During this same timeframe, I had been abused by a Scottsboro, Alabama physician, Dr. Cromains. My church mother/mentor Barbara Whiteside ( who died last week, June 2008 ) found out about his plot to put me under his care in a mental hospital, so he could continue treatment, as a cover-up to abuse me. The 2006, State of Alabama public records establishes his medical license were voided, due to sexual behavior issues and many other illegal court listings. It took 36 years to stop his rampage of the Jackson County community. Other young girls that may have been admitted to Alabama’s State Mental Ward’s, under the false intentions of Dr. Cromains, may be ready to come forward. Mrs. Whiteside saved me and foiled his plans to enroll me into the ward.
( Barbara Whiteside, 64 of Pisgah, passed away Wednesday, June 11, 2008 at her residence )
( the reason, my health was not good, is due to the undetermined condition
called : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alice_in_Wonderland_Syndrome )

@24 years old, 1983, I witnessed a murder. Previous to the murder, I dreamed all the complete details. No arrest was made.

I saw the body on the ground, I put my two fingers, of my right hand into the bullet holes of his chest.[ end of dream ] When the event took place, I got down on the ground and put my two fingers, into the bullet holes, exactly where I remembered from the dream. I had warned him, previous. However, the warning did not stop it from happening.

@25 years old, 1984, I married a man with two former ex-wives, both named Judy. He had two children. We will celebrate 24 years of marriage in August 24, 2008.

@30 years old, 1989, I provided testimony about another murder. My former boss Mr. Melton was found dead, in the trunk of his Lincoln @Atlanta Airport. Days later, I provided a description of a potential suspect I had reviewed through a spiritual vision. Mr. Melton’s daughter, received a secondary description, matching my vision. No arrest was made.

@35 years old, 1994, I received a spiritual message about a bath house in England and the abuse of a woman from a brothel house, by a man named Joseph Bratford. This 1500’s story, became a manuscript titled: The Lost Madonna.

@36 years old, 1995, I received another spiritual message about Pipestone, Minnesota. This is connected to the Amerindians from Israel (DNA, linking the Hebrew Tribes to the North American Indians). The story is about a frontiersman, tracker, who discovers the rock quarries of the stone called: pipestone, for export trading.

@37 years old, 1996, I traveled to England, to confirm the research about my surname connections to the Davidic bloodline of the British Crown. Linking Spencer’s through Lady Diana ( my mothers surname) and Queen Catherine Culpepper Howard ( my fathers surname ).

@40 years old, 1999, I had a dream about the DNA spinning colored ladder of science. The spiritual message was : “What you are seeing is the answer to all life’s questions”.





Note: Driving to work Sunday, 03-15-2009, @5:00 a.m., I asked the Lord to reveal to me what the relationship is in my life to the `keys` of Peter. The following is what the Holy Spirit directed me to write.

Message: Understanding The Key's Given to Peter

by: Betty C. Clark

Sunday, March 15th, 2009

Introduction :

Peter's Confession of Christ, Matt. 16:16 . . .

. . . Matt. 16:19 ()

I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven ; whatever you
bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose
on earth will be loosed in heaven.

( To read the full lesson, see link below ) :


Blog Archive
▼ 2009 (12)
▼ March (12)

()Understanding The Key's Given to Peter
()Christ Brought Me Up Also Out Of A Horrible Pit
()The Three Pillars : Christ our Center Point
()Turkey the Horse's Head Peninsula






Blog Archive
▼ 2009 (23)
▼ February (23)
DREAM: SY-russ (Cyrus)
DREAM: Baby Girl, born 3-21-2009
DREAM: 4 Christmas Cards, 2012, Holy Dance upon Hi...
Dream : 18 Candle's on a Cake
DREAM: Iranian/Egyptian Terrorist Micro Chip/Cheer...
VISION :~Knowing when to rollover/turn back
DREAM: Why was Elvis living on a stainless steel s...
STORY: The Kiss of Betrayal Parallel’s the Kiss of...
VISION: The Baby Closet-treasure-chest Vision
Manifestation : GODDARD Angel Visitation
Enlightenment: Mino, 1960 electric coffee pot
Gemetria: `The K-9 Vehicle, 29`
VISION : Acid/Alkaline Chestnut/Husbandry
PENNY, stories
DREAM:Severed female body parts (dragon)
VISION: Throne Room of Heaven
DREAM : Quid Pro Quo (leathery human skin wings)
Deadly Wound To The Head
Message :Saint Bartholomew Day Massacre, medallion...
The grave of America
`The Explosion`, People Human Cargo



Blog Archive

▼ 2009 (35)

▼ December (35)

INDEX : Seeking Surrender To God, 1959-2009


Message:Mount Holy Hill Olivet 2nd Coming, Messiah...

Message:Prophecy Flood mid-Continent Rift System

MESSAGES: Bird Revelations (Visionary)

Message: Benjamin the Cup Sceptre of Christ

Messages : Inspired Biblical Parallel's

Message: 6666 Lunar Eclipse 06-15-2011

Message: `The J Code`

Message:Michigan White Moose/FEMA/NAFTA

Message: 4334 (Boy King Joash(Betrayal)Death of At...

Messages:Christmas 2009, 5 days of God, manifestations...

Message:Garment of Light(Departed Loved Ones/Heaven...


Dream:The Brown Bull Mesopotamia Iraq Plot

Dream:The Pink Bacteria (China Testing on Tibet)

Dream:Churches' Gas Mask

Dream:Garage doors Rolling into Floor

Dream:Obama whisper's in the ear of non-democratic...

Dream: `Paying For Theatre With A Dime`

Message:Embassy Under Strike of Weapons(Asia)

Dream : 8888 (Sovereignty of God)

Vision:Victim Killed, Cynthia Anderson (Toledo, Ohio)...

Vision:Eastern Time Zone/153 Fishes(USA attacked)

Dream: Brad Pitt Name Change

Vision:Throne Room of Heaven/Stem Cell Discovery, ...

Dream: Carmen's Suitcase ( hidden )

Vision: Japan Atomic Solar Flares, June 15

Message: Shalvaton Brugthon Devons

Vision:Pipestone, MN (map) Amerindians From Israel...

Message:(MOUNT) April 20, 2008, Passover

Message: Ezechias Tunnel

Message:Lead Them . . . the one True God

Dream:The Exploding Silver Tea Cup

911:Vision: September 11, 2001: `the Clock`


My Blogs Team Members

Bio : Betty Culpepper Clark
DNA Science Constructs Path To God
Dreams Visions Messages 2
Prophecy Flood Mid-continent Rift System
Acco Israel Earthquake Haniel 99
Bird Revelations Job 12:7
Ezechias Tunnel-Temple Mount
Historical Stories-Holistic Warrior
Japan Atomic Solar Flares
Benjamin the Cup/Sceptre of Christ
Eyes (Ayin) of the Madonna
Biblical Stories
The `J` Code: Joshua,Jordan,Je...
Michigan's White Garden with Moose
Cradle of Crime, Strings of Esther
Daughter's of God Prayer Cloth Mission
Pipestone Amerindians from Israel

`My Bertha`, story : Jasper, Alabama



Why whimsical buttons, are so important to the 'My Bertha', Story ?

The key to the buttons is within the Queen Elizabeth, section @

Eyes (Ayin) of the Madonna



None of these goodies, compared to the secret bedroom of `My Bertha`. Due to her seamstress work, she collected thousands upon millions, I thought, of jeweled buttons. Yes, the hidden jewels. She kept them in linen cloth draw string bags. And upon each visit, while bouncing upon her feather mattress, I would open these draw strings bags of buttons and pour out the jewels

* 1961, I was 2 1/2 years old and we lived in a rental duplex next door to our landlord, a elderly minister named : Reverend Hales. The duplex was located one mile outside the town. The lady that had been a caretaker for the deceased Mrs. Hales, lived high upon the hill and her name was : Bertha. Which I determined to be ‘My Bertha’. In between, my curious nature toward the dozen or so Rhode Island Red chickens, which Mr. Hales owned, `My Bertha` was the central focus of my experience in Jasper. Mr. Hales insisted that our family help ourselves to daily offerings of as many fresh hen eggs as we needed. My father loved over easy eggs. The children only wanted the hard cooked yellow, with the white removed. Which sent my parents into a morning confusion of egg white removal, to keep the kiddies from acting out. Although my elder brother, was only 16 months younger than I was and he was always happy to play with me. The fondest memory of visiting `My Bertha` up the hill, which seemed a distance for a 2 ½ year old to walk and climb, was homemade chocolate cake. She always insisted that I bring and share candy with my brother David, who was still shaking the play pen. I just always knew what candy he liked and we understood a language between the two of us, not expressed in words. Each visit to her house, brought a giggle to my heart. She always had a little child size wooden table and chair, just perfect for me to sit in. Her house smelled of turnip greens cooking on the stove and the strong odor of Clorox. She cleaned every inch of the house with Clorox. And even took baths with it. However, these smells did not distract me from the offerings of a homemade double layer yellow cake batter, iced with double chocolate frosting. With an additional cold glass of milk, to wash it down with. None of these goodies, compared to the secret bedroom of `My Bertha`. Due to her seamstress work, she collected thousands upon millions, I thought, of jeweled buttons. Yes, the hidden jewels. She kept them in linen cloth draw string bags. And upon each visit, while bouncing upon her feather mattress, I would open these draw strings bags of buttons and pour out the jewels. Of course under strict instructions, not to bounce while I counted the valuables to avoid spilling them onto the floor. After many visits, I knew which bags held what type of buttons and the idea that a special nugget could not to be located, sent me into a fit of tears. Which `My Bertha` would then quickly locate the described misplaced jewel, to offset my spoilt behavior. When she hugged you, you knew you had been really hugged. With a love for children and a heart as big as her belly. She was just like the lady on the pan cake syrup bottle. I thought she was a television star. How could any human live high on the hill, have chocolate cake to eat everyday, with `zillions` of jewels hidden in her bedroom, not be a famous person ? The day came, when my fathers telecommunication work required us to leave Jasper. The trama to leave `My Bertha` will never leave my heart. In about a year, mother and daddy returned to visit Jasper. I ran up the hill, as fast as my legs would go. Upon embracing her I felt the letting go of all the love she had stored, until she could hug me again. I remembered that I had played in the sand on the hill and buried some play things. I found in the sand, after this full year, the metal hair combs to return to `My Bertha`. She was delighted and very impressed with my ability to remember where the treasures had been buried. If daddy said anything in front of her, that I had been bad or was spoiled, she had a saying, “ Tot Tot ( no, no ), not a mean bone in her body “. This would thrill me to no end, to hear her take authority over daddy. I think about, as we drove away, with my eyes pouring tears looking out the backseat car window, that one day I have high hopes to see `My Bertha`, at the highest hill that heaven must contain . . . )

* leaving Jasper, Alabama

KINDERGARTEN: Stigler, Oklahoma



( Betty was almost five, 1964 )


The most important step, for the child-self within me is to explain about my headstart, aka; kindergarten experience in Stigler.

The Native American culture was so active, that the classroom was 90% Indian, versus a toe-headed (white) haired, blue-eyed, pink skinned child, me. I had no idea, that I was that different. However, when you are touched on your hair, face, hands and arms as a daily examination of your lack of color, you feel like you are different. I assumed they wanted to verify if the pink skin was real. Any way, my joy at the school was art class. In the keepsake picture, of all my classmates, and viewed on the wall within the picture are my three colored cats. Now, not regular cats, of course not. One cat needed to be purple. Why ? Because green eggs and ham, am not I. The color purple seemed like a perfect color for one of the three cats. The most important aspect of the cat coloring, was the teacher’s announcement to the class to view the example of my cat’s, as the correct stay-in-the-lines of the drawing. Wow ! How happy could I be. My cat’s being the center of attention. A little girl who cried everyday of class, not a Indian child, a very petted girl who always wore a lamp shade looking hat on her head, she even posed in the group picture with this hat. Which caused me to feel, that her hat would take away from the wall of my cat’s being displayed. Due to my over helpful nature, I tried very hard to help the crying girl to feel better about class. One day I noticed that she was using the same colored crayons as I was selecting. Then I noticed that I was selecting the color first, then I would look and she would change to the color I had selected. The unusual thing was, my desk was turned so she could not see what crayon color I was switching to. This is the first pre-school experience of `the knowing` ahead of time, something was about to change and/or happen. Like thinking of a word, or sentence, then hearing the teacher use them out loud. Similar to thinking about if the child on the left row, had their feet crossed or not. Then picking the correct answer.



Stigler is a city in Haskell County, Oklahoma, United States. The population was 2,731 at the 2000 census. It is the county seat of Haskell County[3].



Stigler was of Choctaw descent and his papers reveal his interest in Native Americans while he represented Oklahoma's Second District in Congress from 1944 to his death in 1952. Over seven cubic feet of files comprise the Indian Affairs Series, and additional correspondence, speeches, newsletters, and legislation can be found in the Legislative and Subject files.

The Stigler Collection also contains materials on "rehabilitation" (economic assistance) of eastern Oklahoma Indians, the Indian Credit Association, education, Devi Dja (wife of artist Acee Blue Eagle), and Sequoyah weavers. In addition, there are nearly two cubic feet of Indian case files and twenty-five photographs depicting Chippewa (Ojibwa) at the Turtle Mountain Reservation in North Dakota during the 1930s. http://www.ou.edu/special/albertctr/archives/stigler.htm


I was raised a Protestant from birth. Which was my
training in scripture and Bible stories like King David stones
the Giant, The Flood with Noah, Jesus in the manger, ect...Trust
me, from my ~birth~ I have been grounded in the teachings of
Old and New Testament Law.

When I was a nine[9] year old child, swimming with children
at a loading boat ramp in Northern Alabama, with several mothers
watching on the river bank, over 20[twenty] witnesses
verified my near death drowning.

Unlike, what you may have read about NDE [near death experience],
I stayed on earth. Well not really, I could see the children
and mothers on the river bank from the tree top.
Yes, I could hear the private conversations of the mothers
and the laughter with playing and splashing of the water
via the children.
When the angel pushed me out of the water, from my foot caught
under my back [ I was stuck bent backwards, I totally emerged
and like a rocket f o r c e d to the surface ].
The water was gushing and gushing from my mouth into the
the screaming faces of the children. Like a horror film
I could not stop the gushing and force of the expelled water
and I pivoted left and right spraying water from the
gushing from my mouth, onto the terrified childrens faces.
Finally, in what was I am sure seconds, later recalling
being told not to ever discuss what I heard the women
on the river bank discussing [very adult issues].

By the way, no paramedic was needed. The force that jolted
me from the water knocked all the water out of my lungs.
When delivered to my mother and father with this news, I
was directed to keep this talk about an angel, my viewing
from the tree top and most important, the adults could not
figure out how I was under the water drowning and heard
the very risque` conversations I could repeat e l o q u e n t l y.

This is only part of what I experienced under the water...

However, within two[2] years from that NDE, my 11th birthday
year, a revival at church presented an opportunity for a
altar call for salvation.
I was the only person and/or child at the event, that received
and confessed out loud ` Jesus Christ is my savior `.
I was water baptized that night. The congregation had a
white fog like unto the mist of the manna in the wilderness.
Later that night, I told my mother that the ~white~ was so
much on the entire church, that I could hardly see the
audience. She told me, that the Holy Spirit would guide me
to understand one day what this was.

MOTHER : Frances Lunell Spencer Culpepper

Frances Lunell Spencer Culpepper July 5, 2008:                                                                                                    September 7th, 2008, will be our mother’s 80th birthday. How blessed we are to have a mother still living, to enjoy. She is a daughter of a peanut farmer in Tennessee, the 10th and last child of the Spencer family. As the baby of the family, she told us how she was always catered to . She received special treatment from her parents and older siblings.                                My best memory of my mothers recollection of her childhood, is concerning Tennessee and tornadoes:.                                                                                                   Story #1: Mother remembers the ole Victorian house, with two sets of double French doors, blown open by the high winds. She watched a galvanized wash tub, full from collection of rain water, being suspended in mid-air and circulated through both these French doors. Then the tub was re-set at the exact point of wind pick-up, without any water being spilled.                               Story #2: She remembers another story concerning twin babies being wrapped inside of numerous homemade quilts, for protection. Then the men of the community found these quilt-wrapped-twins, alive and positioned atop tree branches. The wind had blown the babies into the tree top. They survived this ordeal, unharmed.                                                                          Story #3: Her last tornado story, that I want to document is mothers remembrance of a mule, with a 2x4 wooden board, shot straight through vertical, this standing mules belly. And no, the mule did not live after the extraction of the board. In her adult life when Terry was born in 1963, a tornado scared mother so bad, that she decided that all of us children needed to get into the family vehicle. This vehicle was a 1961 Chevy Impala. As I think about a baby Terry, toddler David, sister Deborah, mother and myself all with bed pillows squeezed into this vehicle, it is so frightening. While we sat in the driveway watching from this vehicle, daddy ate his dinner. I could see the light shining on him in the kitchen. In my mind, I said, “When I grow up I will be like daddy, never afraid of tornadoes.” And I am not. We have joked that mother at least, wanted all of us to die together ! I appreciate my mother giving me a viewpoint between the parallels of fear and security. That scene inside the Impala, has a continuance of benefits of how I utilize discernment, in decisions of life : Lesson parallels : FEAR versus SECURITY.                               NOTE: THIS SECTION ABOUT MOTHER IS NOT COMPLETED · SCROLL DOWN TO READ ABOUT MOTHER’S FATHER: William Robert Spencer.                                                                                                         WILLIAM ROBERT SPENCER BORN: March 26th, 1880.  Marriage date : March 26th, 1905.                          Married : Johnnie Pearl McCalister BORN: August 12th, 1887.                                                                            Frances Lunell Spencer BORN: September 7th, 1928.                                                                                                Deborah Anne Dodd BORN: November 27th, 1949.                                                                                                Amanda Nanette Collier BORN: March 23rd, 1983.                                                                                                        TITLE: PROPHECY OF CHILDRENS CHILDREN, TIME OF CHRIST RETURN:.                                                                The reason I have outlined the five parties above, is to establish the timeline of prophecy, given by grandfather Spencer. His specific instruction was based on mother `not` being the generation of Christ return. He stated, ~Not your generation (Frances, 10th born of 10)), however, your children’s (Deborah, 1st born of 4), children (Amanda, 3rd born of 3) will be the generation~                                                                        The following is the factual details given to me, Betty Clark, Saturday, July 5th, 2008, by mother:                          In 1940, grandfather Spencer would have been 60 years old, when he shared with mother, age 12, the prophecy he received for our family heirs. . . . Before mothers birth, 1928, grandfather Spencer held a 3-day fasting and prayer, in his bedroom.                                              The whole community of Sugar Tree, Tennessee thought he had gone mad.                                              TITLE: PROPHECY OF CHILDRENS CHILDREN, TIME OF CHRIST RETURN Continued:                                          When he surfaced from this 3-day experience Aunt Irene, mothers oldest sister of the 10 siblings, confirmed these details to mother : . . .                          Due to mother not being born at the time of the prophecy, Irene, shared the family knowledge of this event. . . .                                                                            God himself gave grandfather Spencer these divine revelations. Grandfather was spoken to by God. This encounter revealed that grandfather would be a minister of the gospel. . . .                                                  He was told that he would not have to find verses, to the scriptures of the Bible. That the verses and scriptures of the Bible would come to him automatically by the Holy Spirit.                                                                      Mother recalls, that indeed he used his front porch @Sugar Tree, Tennessee to minister with people. And the post office @Sugar Tree, had a physical `Sugar Tree`, that he taught messages of the word of the Lord, under this tree.                                                                      As people passing by to go to the grocery store and the post office, grandfather Spencer played checkers under this tree and ministered to people who stopped to talk with him about God.                                                    Mother said he could recount chapter and verses of the Bible without effort. . . .                                                  When mother was 12 years old, 1940, grandfather Spencer told her on the front porch of the house @Sugar Tree, Tennessee, that the time of Jesus Christ coming back would not be her generation, however, her children’s children generation.                                          He prophesied . . .                                                                   · The True Church has not come, yet.                                 · The True Church will teach the 5 Fold Ministry.               · People will fall out in the spirit. People will be filled with the Holy Ghost. Fire will come out of their mouths.                                                                                              TITLE: PROPHECY OF CHILDRENS CHILDREN, TIME OF CHRIST RETURN · Continued . . .                                          · People will go to the store, and do not have to eat food, they buy a bottle that contains all the nutrients they need. Everything you need to survive will be in this bottle.                                                                                        · People will have sex in the street.                                       ( mother is trying to recall all of the prophecies . . . I will post when and if, she recalls anything additional ).                                                                                                              · Special note : · Grandfather Spencer was raised non-charismatic, “Church of Christ”, Puritan. He held no Pentecostal beliefs, prior to the prophecies.                      · This 3-day fasting and prayer experience was a community gossip of sorts, that he had gone mad.                                                                                                              · Interesting, his great grand daughter Amanda was born in the month of March, 3 days different than his birthdate, 103 years apart. Amanda is the generation time of Christ return, per the prophecy.                                                                                                                                   · THE REFERENCE TO THE NUMBER 3:.                                                                                                                                  · Grandfather stayed in the room 3 days.                            · Grandfather was born in the 3rd month.                            · Grandfather was married in the 3rd month.                      · Grandfather’s birth year 1880, versus Amanda’s birth year 1983, is 103 years.                                                          *Amanda was born in the 3rd month and is the 3rd child of 3.                                                                                                                                                                                        HOW DOES THE DAVIDIC BLOODLINE EQUATE IN THE PROPHECY ?                                                                      The Davidic bloodline is known for callings/missions, spiritual gifts, special assignments in praise of God.    A. King David’s history in the Bible, is considered the Davidic bloodline of Christ ancestry.                                B.  Queen Elizabeth 1, of England, is of the Davidic bloodline of Christ. C. Althorp Estate Spencer’s ( Lady Diana ), are of the Davidic bloodline of Christ. D. Great Grandfather William Robert Spencer’s, great granddaughter Amanda, is of the Davidic bloodline of Christ. Note: This example does not exclude other heirs of Frances, including any/all children that have not been listed in this example, since Amanda is the 3rd and last child of Frances’ 1st born daughter, Deborah. The generation of Christ return timeframe from Amanda’s birth of 1983, through 100 years which would be 2083. Amanda’s Great Grandmother Johnnie Pearl McCalister Spencer, lived to her 90’s. Frances, is 80 years old in 2008. She has one brother still living in his 90’s and one sister living in her 80’s. By the way, mother is 1 of 3 living siblings of the original 10.

FATHER : Milford Eugene Culpepper

Special note, in the 1940’s my father joined the 101st Airborne, Ft. Campbell, Kentucky. [Which I moved to that area as an adult working in advertising, 1988]. My father told me a story, when I was about 10 years old. How he and another cousin (J.T. Culpepper), flipped a coin to see who would marry a lady having a baby, unwed. The paternal father was also a Milford Culpepper, `same` name as my father’s. However, he lived in Pisgah, Alabama with a wife and family. The secret of this unwed mother having a baby by their Culpepper relative, was protected by daddy and J.T. ~Daddy lost the coin flip. He married this lady. Never lived with her, was granted a Scottsboro, Alabama court annulment of the marriage. He entered the military, never knowing she used the original marriage certificate to name seven (7) illegitimate children, with Milford E. Culpepper on their birth certificates, as the father. With the help of my Aunt Lilly Culpepper Hammonds and daddy’s former girlfriend, with courthouse records plus conversations with this woman and one of her son’s, I pieced together the above facts. Good thing, daddy went to the grave never knowing about the misuse of the birth certificates.

Daddy was a great card game player. Rook and black jack were two of his favorites. Plus he could play double domino and had a precise mathematical ability to count in seconds, the plays. He also could count the number of plays, in card games and knew whether the hearts, clubs, diamonds or spades had all been played during the course of the game. Daddy held a 8th grade education. The military changed his farmers mentality, to that of a electronics expert. He was without a formal education, however very street smart.

Milford entered the service, May 21st, 1953.

He was stationed @ Camp Breckinbridge, Kentucky, with the 101st
Airborne Division.

During my father's term with the 101st, he had a accident. As he was jumping out
of the airplane, he landed wrong and damaged the calf muscles in both his legs. The
physicians removed both calf muscles. Which he was told he would walk with a stiff
legged limp. However, through much pain with suffering, he learned to walk straight
without these muscles, without any sign of a limp. In the summer, he never wore short
pants, due to the flat calf legs looking like sticks with the skin stretched over them.
Of course, he was a hero in my mind. He had inward strength. And I hope
to live up to his example of overcoming an experience with a lemon, to make lemonade.

The idea of the ‘green thumb’ was born and bred in daddy. With my mother, a Tennessee daughter of a peanut farmer, summer gardens were a must all through out my childhood. My brother David and I received the ability of braking off tree limbs or plant cuttings and just sticking them in the earth, then they will sprout and flourish.

One year, before my father’s death, I dreamed complete details of his death. I will add this excerpt below to establish these facts :

( March 28th, 1979 = Milford Eugene Culpepper's death date )

One year, prior to his death. I shared a dream with him and my family
about the exact details of his death. After his death, a lady called me
on the telephone and told me, that my father told her three weeks
before he died, about my predictive dream. Due to my father she said
having it on his mind.
His response to her was, " When the Ole Master, pulls your number
your time is up ". . .

Question ? "How did I know those death details" ? Answer: " The Holy Spirit, will teach you all things ".


September 25, 2011

Marquetta Elliott

c/o Farmers Telecommunications

P.O. Box 217

Rainsville, Alabama 35986


(256)638-4830 Fax

Dear Marquetta,

Thank you so much for speaking to me Friday, 09-09-2011. I really appreciated the
answers you provided from daddy’s (Milford E. Culpepper) work history, with Farmers Telecommunications.

And I received your CD, ‘A Mountain Connected’, The Story of Farmers Telephone
Cooperative, 1954-2004, 50 years. It has been 32 years, since our family lost our
beloved father, March 28, 1979.

I am hoping that daddy`s employment history with Farmers, from 1967-1979, will be
briefly mentioned in this CD. If not, it helps me to see more timelines, to piece together
factual information.

As I discussed with you, one of my hobbies is family history research. I traveled to
England in 1996, to finalize details, regarding 700 years of ancestry, under mother`s
surname Spencer and 500 years of ancestry, under daddy`s surname Culpepper. This
data supported my book manuscript, during the consultation process by a Emory
University doctor, which I titled : `The Lost Madonna`, copyrighted. It is a historical
timeline novel, involving real characters within my surname history. It is very exciting,
to delve into the past and locate information for future generations to glean from. In
2011, I am adding new facts and information to daddy’s bio life and times, so his
grandchildren (6) and great-grandchildren (3), who never knew about his life, will be
encouraged with highlights you helped me to gain access to. Again, I thank you. By
the way, it is exciting that we both are from class of 1977, I feel 52 years old, what
about you ? LoL . . .


Betty C. Clark

Consumer Advocate Researcher, since 1993

Security Industry, Certified, since 2006

Earthquake, Flooding, Prophecy, Yahoo Moderator, since 2011


*Born : August 23, 1928

*Died : March 28, 1979

*Childhood : Macedonia, Section, Alabama

*Entered Military : May 21, 1953 – 1958, 101st Airborne Division, Kentucky, certified in telecommunications, cable installer, lineman.

*Accidents : During 1953-58, Milford had a parachuting, sky diving accident, while
jumping from a 101st Airborne, airplane. Both of his calf muscles had to be totally
removed. He had only skin left, stretched over the bones. The military physicians
assured him, that he would be crippled and walk with a stiff legged limp. He suffered
months of rehabilitation, and he proved them wrong. He never walked with a limp.
He served his full 5 year term, stationed in Korea. His sister Ruby Joe said, “He
almost starved to death, while in Korea”. She provided photographs from his
Korean deployment.

*In 1958, Hershal Donavan, witnessed Milford, getting electrocuted on a pole,
at Antioch, Alabama, across the road from Mitchell’s Gin. The fall and jar to the
ground, started his heart back beating, per the physician. The physician examined
his melted fillings inside his mouth, and the physician told a joke. The joke was, if
he was on death row as a inmate, he would have survived the standard electrocution
volts, of Alabama`s prison system in 1958 and by law, been a free man.

*Traveled : From 1958 to 1966, he traveled across the country, climbing bridges
and installing cable across these bridges in the telecommunications field, from Georgia
into Oklahoma, the `Trail of Tears` route, of the Cherokee Indians. Milford was a
descendant of the Cherokee Nation, 50% of the Cherokee`s are from the Israel
Benjamin Tribe. Benjamin was the 12th son of Jacob. And the Temple Mount in
Jerusalem, is Benjamin Tribe geography. A warrior bloodline . . .

*Farmers Telecommunications, Rainsville, Alabama : Milford was hired January 13,
1967, promoted to Installer Foreman, June 1, 1974, worked until the day he died,
March 28, 1979. Survived by his widow, Frances.

*Built Homestead : 1968, family moved into new home, at the corner of Rainbow
Avenue/Church Street, Rainsville, Alabama, August 3, 1968.


Sister Deborah

July 6, 2008

Can you imagine being the only child from 11/1949, until 2/1959 ? These nine years and three months must have been wonderful bonding years between mother and my sister Deborah. My mother did not marry our father Milford, until Deborah was seven years old. These first seven years of Deborah’s life were filled with love from mothers family members in Parsons, Tennessee and/or Waverly area.

The missing link for my sister was her father Charles Dodd. Mother and Charles divorced when Deborah was an infant. Due to the job requirements of our family, by moving around, this set the stage of changes-of-address and telephone numbers. However, the Spencer and Dodd families stayed within the Waverly area, with consistency. Mother depended on her siblings in Tennessee to inform her about family emergency details or events. This complicated the school years for Deborah. Due to enrollments in many different school systems, based on the telecommunication work, daddy performed for Johnson Construction Company.

My fondest memory of my sister as we grew up, was how she was so cool as a teenager. She watched, `American Bandstand` and taught me all the hip dances, which were demonstrated on this television show. My sister is my `Sissy`. Just like the show `Family Affair`, with the twins Buffy and Jody, their sister was called `Sissy`. And my Sissy bought me a Mrs. Beasley doll, identical to the show doll that Buffy carried.

As I watched her drive away with her husband Bobby, I cried by the window.

Memories of my Sissy being my secondary mother figure were so declared in my family, that I had to separate her role from my mothers role, when I started first grade. I really believed we called Deborah, `Sissy`, due to her importance as a secondary mother.

Throughout my childhood I thought I was a Princess.

My Sissy, would dress me up like a doll, with scarfs and make-up. She called me her, little Princess.

I remember my imaginary playmate, I called `Dawn`, was always connected somehow to my Sissy. Dawn slept with me, ate dinner with me and this imaginary playmate soon wore out her welcome in our family. I remember being told that Dawn could no longer go everywhere with me. At this turning point, as a pre-schooler, I exchanged a dependency upon my Sissy, for the loss of Dawn. Deborah’s first born daughter’s name, is Dawn.

I think imaginary friends are very healthy for children. However, sometimes children as spoilt as I was, needed a reality check between imaginary playmates and real life.

If I had been `Alice in Wonderland`, I would never have departed from `Dawn’. Dawn would have always been at the tea party. Due to this childhood experience with an imaginary playmate, I have as an adult researched archetypal connections in civilization. Because my sister Deborah, was nine years older, I have a bond toward her similar to how a child will bond with a Nanny and/or Wet-nurse. The interesting relationship between myself and Deborah is based on these childhood memories, I am sharing with the reader.

At 13 years old, I can recall my blonde, tan, sister, coming into town with her sports car. Then all the Junior Football Team, asking me who that beautiful girl was ?

Yes, she was a fantastic singer, also.

Petulla Clark, sang the song, `Down Town` and my Sissy could sound exactly like her. I have great admiration for my sisters ability to transform herself into a domestic partner, who served her family of three girls and a husband, while devotion to Church, was always number one. Having experience with 30 years of matrimony, is only one area she excelled in. She has been to Africa in reference to a Church Missionary Project. And her renewal ability to survive the death of her husband, with dignity and purpose of life, speaks loudly concerning transformations she continues to make.

As you can read, I respect the differences between Deborah and myself.

However, in my heart she is always, my `Sissy`.

I love you, forever !

Love you sis,



Brother David
July 4, 2008

Today is my big brother David’s birthday. ` Happy Birthday, David ` !

Yes, a fire cracker was born to our family, in 1960. We are sixteen months apart in age. I like to remember David in his `Buster Brown`, cloths. The little shorts with little man shirt. How cute !

I remember thinking how difficult it must have been to be a first born, son. Due to him having two older sister’s who thought we knew everything. Interesting, that David was born on our great grandfather Culpepper’s birthdate, July 4th. Our younger brother Terry, was born on our grandfather Culpepper’s birthdate, January 7th.

I completed a research on pattern birthdates within families. And July 4th, was one of the` Guinness World Record’s 2008`, birthdates, for the record for the most generations born on the same day.

( See research below, and scroll down for the continuance of : Brother David )

Page #67, of Guinness World Records 2008 ---- by Betty C. Clark
Under : Human Beings :

Family Trees

· The record for the most generations born on the same day is four,
and is held by five families:

· Ralph Betram Williams (USA, born 4-4-1982)
· Veera Tuulia Tuijantyar Kivisto (Finland, born 3-21-1997)
· Maureen Werner (USA, born 10-13-1998)
· Jacob Camren Hildebrandt (USA, born 8-23-2001)
· Mion Masuda (Japan, born 3-26-2005) . . . all share their birthday
with a parent, grandparent and great-grandparent.

My father is one of 13 children.
His birthday was 8-23, like the one listed above.
He is one of seven brothers and six sisters. His baby brother is the
7th son of a 7th son, just like the Johnnie Rivers ole tune.

Out of almost 30 grandchildren with the Culpepper surname, my
two (2) brothers were born on a great-grandparent and grandparent birthday.

Interesting, one of those dates is July 4th, just like the record family
listed above. ( I have known two other July 4th people in my life)

I always thought it odd that out of so many grandchildren, how my two brother’s were born on the ancestor birthdates, and none of the other grandchildren were.

Must be something to that July 4th date, in the worldwide theme
of the most generations born on the same day . .

Continued : Brother David

At school age, the teacher’s escorted David, as the leader of the class. He was so small, the teacher thought she would loose him.

You would never know by his size and stature today, that he was so small in the first grade. The teacher would hold his hand and all the kiddies would follow the leader to go outside to play, to head toward the lunch room and I would observe this from the school hallway’s, during the course of the school period’s. I always thought, ` There goes my brother, the head of the class `.

As we grew up we did so much traveling, due to daddy’s job. We really enjoyed our playtime, in Section, Alabama, at the ole `Presley` house. This house was built from bedrock. Due to the rock on the outside of the house, it maintained an internal temperature of comfort. The winters were chilly. The summers never to hot, inside the ole rock homeplace.
This house held secret closets. Yes, we could enter in one bedroom and travel through to other bedrooms through the closets. `Hide & Seek`, was a regular entertainment in this house. David loved animals, just like all our family members did. Outside, daddy had chicken coups for laying hens. And we always got to hold the new born chicks and quickly return them before the mother hen was fluffing her wings, to flog us.

Also, daddy always cut open the side of wooden telephone reels. They were the height of a pic-nic table, with a round circular, top and bottom
wooden surface. The reel side panel’s could be taken out, to make an opening.

Daddy who was in telecommunications, (see his story under blog section: Milford E. Culpepper), had access to dozens of these wooden reels. He would make doghouses, play houses, chicken coups and pic-nic tables, out of these reels. I can remember that David, Terry and myself could crawl inside these reels and still have room to breathe. ( Ha )

So having pretend tea parties, playing house inside these wooden reels was very much a memory none of us kids will forget.

One fond memory of David, is when he rescued me from the snake that was trying to bite our bird dog, `Spot`. The bad memory is I ran and locked the front door and David was pounding on the door, for me to let him in. Finally, I overcame my fear of the snake and let him inside. If David had not warned me, the snake would have bitten me for sure.

When David became old enough to get his driver license, I finally accepted I was no longer the boss over him. Until then, I thought it was my duty to inform my parents about everything he did.

I remember how David and Terry both, loved to prowl through my girl things, when I was away from home. This caused daddy to put a key lock, on my bedroom door. Which helped everyone to get some peace and silence, from my outburst of my stuff being rambled through. I thought boys just were jealous of all that good girl junk. ( Ha )

As we grew into teenager’s I could depend on David to help me. And he could depend on me to help him. We both have shared many secrets. Some secrets were `life & death` issues, which we have a bond of trust regarding. Now with his own two boys, I think about the parallel’s between David’s two boys and my two brothers.

David is an expert, in hot rod car restoration. He manages his own farm land with crops and livestock. Plus bi-monthly he monitors public water quality.

One story of his humanitarian characteristic, is about a lady we will call
`Mrs. L`.

She had an elderly father who was bed ridden. My brother freely came daily to administer assistance in his bathing and physical well being. Also David mowed the pasture lands, for Mrs. L and was available to help her as needed. Elderly people adore David’s soft spoken spirit.

Just like daddy, both my brother’s are wilderness hunters. Seasonal deer hunters, using self-made deer stands and processing deer meat prepared for family and neighbors freezers. As a green thumb garden expert, David can bring the top crop yields in regard to family favorite vegetables, like corn, okra, cucumber, squash, pepper, beans, potato, tomatoes.

When you visit David’s property, every garden metal cage, every vine and garden tool, are all set up in complete order. His garden looks like plowed ground, groomed on a photograph of ‘Home & Garden’, magazine.

I would like to conclude my respect for my brother David. I feel my brother is a true survivor. His life experiences since daddy’s death, have proven the strength of character within our bloodlines. My wish is for his boys to learn ¼, of what David has acquired in knowledge of life. His challenges I think are examples of his July 4th ancestry birthdate. May the future generations live a code of land to earth ethics, like the respect my brother David honors toward God, in his protection of nature.

I love you always, David . . .

Love you sis,

Betty Jean


Brother Terry
June 21, 2008

When my brother Terry was born, in Mena, Arkansas, 1963, my family was happy when he weighed 5 pounds as a premature infant, that he could be brought home.

I can remember mother in her rocking chair, rocking Terry. And me in my rocking chair, rocking my doll. Since I was four years older, than Terry, I thought he was a doll. This memory of both mother and myself rocking our babies, is a great way to remember how I felt about our baby brother. As time went by we adored how cute Terry was. He always had a big belly and little legs. We thought he looked like he had swallowed a balloon. Terry never said my name correct, `Betty`. He would say, `Bit-te`. Like a horses `bit` and bridle, with a golf `tee` sound. Years of being called `Bit-te`, was very excepted by our family. Even Terry’s language skills rubbed off on our daddy. He would say, `Bit-te Jean`. Putting my first and middle name together in a rush, especially when angry.

As Terry grew, he was still our little baby brother no matter how grown up he became. One day in Dekalb County, Alabama, at a mobile home park, Terry and a neighbor’s child named Sheila, were always at conflict with each other.

Sheila decided she would find herself an empty coca-cola bottle and walk toward Terry with purpose to knock him in the head. I ran toward Sheila and got the glass bottle away from her, just in time before she accomplished her dirty deed. This caused Sheila to run all the way home screaming and crying to the top of her lung’s.

Another neighborhood scene, is with our bike club. A group of children would ride bikes together. These bicycle riders were also our yard game soccer ball players. Everytime we played any outside game, Terry always got hurt. So we would tell him prior to the game, “If you cry when you get hurt, do not tell mother, or she will make us all come inside”. Sometimes the kids would resort to holding our hands over Terry’s mouth, to silence him from mother’s ears.

Another memory of Terry was how he could pound his head, just like `Curly`, on the T.V. comedy show, “Three Stooges”. Our friends, the famous bicycle gang, would dare him to hit the brick house, with his head. Which was very entertaining , for our guest.

One day in Section, Alabama we were in 1968, moving to the new house in Dekalb County. Daddy’s doghouse was on top of the truck bed, when Terry decided to climb up on this doghouse. He slipped and fell head first into the metal bumper hitch of the back of the truck. Which resulted in Terry having a huge gushing gash on his head. This would have been when Terry turned five years old. Of course, this head injury was serious. However, since I was a child myself, I kept thinking his tough head is due to all the practice of head butting, we encouraged in the name of entertainment. I resolved myself he was going to be fine.

The most enduring memory was Terry being a thumb sucker. We would jointly as a family coax Terry to stop sucking his thumb, to prevent buck teeth. However, this never worked. No matter how much black pepper, iodine, rubbing alcohol or nasty concoction we mixed together, to soak this thumb in, nothing prevented Terry, from daily thumb sucking.

Also a fond memory about Terry was his love of peanutbutter and jelly sandwiches. He literally lived off of peanutbutter. So much so, that he would start a gag reflux if a green vegetable was hinted at. This of course, started a chain reaction of daddy enforcing green vegetable rules. With mother putting Terry away from the dinner table. Of course, she had already told Terry not to fear, she would return later that night with a `secret` made peanutbutter and jelly sandwich.

Now let us talk about candy. Yes, Terry loved candy. All kinds of sugar based cereals with the fun boxed toy surprises, delighted him. One favorite choice was `Captain Crunch`, cereal.

The next memory is concerning Terry always being the child, who turned over his milk glass. I always prayed , “Lord, please let us eat our food before Terry turns over the milk”. Due to daddy becoming so angry about how often this would happen at dinner time.

By the time Terry was 16, I was 20 years old. And he and brother David had one year previous, 1979, given CPR to daddy, to keep him alive until the ambulance arrived. However, he had a massive heart attack and nothing could save him. From 1979, Terry @15 and David @17 years old, became the men of the household. By the time that Terry had graduated High School he and mother were a team. Terry continues from 1979 until 2008, 29 years later, he is still mowing and weed eating the homeplace. He has provided a continuance of financial, physical and emotional support for our mother. Without Terry, mother would have lost her desire to move forward after daddy’s death.

My brother Terry is a man of God (IHVH). He is a leader in faith at his church and his community.

When this earth passes away, I imagine the meeting Between Terry and daddy, on the new earth. Embraced shoulder to shoulder, man to man, they shall enter the new gates of Jerusalem, with the old flesh man put away, the renewal of father and son will be a celebration long awaited for. Both men will have all negative remembrance thrown into the sea of forgetfulness. Both men will worship our heavenly Father, equal in spirit, resolutions achieved, all `adam` traits relinquenced. My brother Terry is a man our daddy would have honored, to be his son.

I love you, Terry !

Love your sister, forever, Betty `Bit-te` . . .: