Tuesday, June 17, 2008

BIO: Betty Jean Culpepper Clark [INDEX]

Timeline Bio : Betty Culpepper Clark

June 15, 2008




Dear Forum Reader :

Upon evaluation of the topic, ‘life and times’ of my personal experiences, I am sharing the following biography with you.

I was born in Lexington, Tennessee, 02-15-1959. This year (2008), I turned 49 years old. My father was trained by the 101st Airborne, Fort Campbell Kentucky. His training became the reason my family moved across the country, to many different locations. Not until my school age, did he resume his technical training in telecommunications, with a local telephone service provider in Dekalb County Alabama. Until 1968, our family moved around similar to a caravan group of contractors. This involved my father’s career, that resulted in his electrocution, falling off the telephone pole, then the jar of the ground kicked his heart back beating. The doctor examined his melted fillings inside his mouth. And this physician told him that if he had been a criminal, on death row, he would have survived the standard shock % and been by law a free man. I have one older sister and two younger brothers. I decided to list all of the cities we lived in :

* 1949, Deborah ( born in Lexington, TN )

* 1959, Betty ( born in Lexington, TN )

* 1960, David ( born in Pineridge, AL )

* 1963, Terry ( born in Mena, AR )

…The telecommunications industry, required our father to install pole wiring for telephone operations over bridges, etc.

( The following timeline, of locations will help set the events
in place, for the reader )

* Savannah, Georgia, I was 6 months old, 1959

* Jasper, Alabama, I was 2 ½ years old, 1961

* Mena, Arkansas, I was 4 years old, 1963 (Indian reservation)

* Stigler, Oklahoma, I was almost 5 years old, 1964 (Indian reservation)

( somewhere in this picture is Eugene, Missouri – I will check with the family for the correct date )

edited : July 17th, 2008

Yes, we lived in each of these States, they border one another on the map :

Stigler, Oklahoma + Mena, Arkansas + Eugene, Missouri





@2-3 years old, my father held me over a casket at a funeral home. He wanted to show me the face of this person, to pay respect. His hands slipped and I almost landed on the face of the deceased. Daddy caught me, just in time.

@9 years old, 1968, I was at a loading dock on the Tennessee River, Scottsboro, Alabama and I almost drowned. This near death experience involved water (emotions), a tree (DNA) and an angel (God/IHVH).

@11 years old, 1970, @Rock Church of Christ, Rainsville, Alabama, I was saved and water baptized. My mother at the service, told me to give my hand to the preacher and my heart to God. I witnessed a white fog come over the congregation, as a type of confirmation of the anointing I was under. During my acceptance of salvation of Christ as my Savior, I looked over the fog filled church, trying to focus my eyes. This is the first time I remember the scene, from the Old Testament, like the falling of the daily manna.

@14 years old, 1973, I contacted acute mono (kissing disease). No person at school or church, except me had this condition. I was out of school for three weeks with swollen lymph glands and spleen.
( the condition, is posted as follows ) :


Alice in Wonderland syndrome (AIWS, named after the novel written by Lewis Carroll), also known as Todd's syndrome[1], is a disorienting neurological condition which affects human perception. Sufferers may experience micropsia, macropsia, and/or size distorsion of other sensory modalities. A temporary condition, it is often associated with migraines, brain tumours, and the use of psychoactive drugs. It can also present as the initial sign of the Epstein-Barr Virus (see infectious mononucleosis).

@15 years old, 1974, my church investigated the sexual behavior toward me, by our minister, Pastor Mann. This investigation split the church in half. I was blamed for speaking out.

@16 years old, 1975, I married a man not knowing he was a medical diagnosed schizophrenia patient, former LSD user, who heard demons and demons spoke out of his mouth in other voices. He aligned himself with my church in Sylvania, Alabama, resulting in his attempted suicides and abuse of me.

@21 years old, 1980, I was 2nd & 3rd degree burned from the sun. I was put into the hospital for five days on IV’s, from dehydration. This combined with the mono, wrecked my immune system.

@22 years old, 1981, I start having a type of re-occurring mono. A Canadian physician, who had moved to Fort Payne, Alabama, had a nurse with similar symptoms and he helped me. During this same timeframe, I had been abused by a Scottsboro, Alabama physician, Dr. Cromains. My church mother/mentor Barbara Whiteside ( who died last week, June 2008 ) found out about his plot to put me under his care in a mental hospital, so he could continue treatment, as a cover-up to abuse me. The 2006, State of Alabama public records establishes his medical license were voided, due to sexual behavior issues and many other illegal court listings. It took 36 years to stop his rampage of the Jackson County community. Other young girls that may have been admitted to Alabama’s State Mental Ward’s, under the false intentions of Dr. Cromains, may be ready to come forward. Mrs. Whiteside saved me and foiled his plans to enroll me into the ward.
( Barbara Whiteside, 64 of Pisgah, passed away Wednesday, June 11, 2008 at her residence )
( the reason, my health was not good, is due to the undetermined condition
called : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alice_in_Wonderland_Syndrome )

@24 years old, 1983, I witnessed a murder. Previous to the murder, I dreamed all the complete details. No arrest was made.

I saw the body on the ground, I put my two fingers, of my right hand into the bullet holes of his chest.[ end of dream ] When the event took place, I got down on the ground and put my two fingers, into the bullet holes, exactly where I remembered from the dream. I had warned him, previous. However, the warning did not stop it from happening.

@25 years old, 1984, I married a man with two former ex-wives, both named Judy. He had two children. We will celebrate 24 years of marriage in August 24, 2008.

@30 years old, 1989, I provided testimony about another murder. My former boss Mr. Melton was found dead, in the trunk of his Lincoln @Atlanta Airport. Days later, I provided a description of a potential suspect I had reviewed through a spiritual vision. Mr. Melton’s daughter, received a secondary description, matching my vision. No arrest was made.

@35 years old, 1994, I received a spiritual message about a bath house in England and the abuse of a woman from a brothel house, by a man named Joseph Bratford. This 1500’s story, became a manuscript titled: The Lost Madonna.

@36 years old, 1995, I received another spiritual message about Pipestone, Minnesota. This is connected to the Amerindians from Israel (DNA, linking the Hebrew Tribes to the North American Indians). The story is about a frontiersman, tracker, who discovers the rock quarries of the stone called: pipestone, for export trading.

@37 years old, 1996, I traveled to England, to confirm the research about my surname connections to the Davidic bloodline of the British Crown. Linking Spencer’s through Lady Diana ( my mothers surname) and Queen Catherine Culpepper Howard ( my fathers surname ).

@40 years old, 1999, I had a dream about the DNA spinning colored ladder of science. The spiritual message was : “What you are seeing is the answer to all life’s questions”.





Note: Driving to work Sunday, 03-15-2009, @5:00 a.m., I asked the Lord to reveal to me what the relationship is in my life to the `keys` of Peter. The following is what the Holy Spirit directed me to write.

Message: Understanding The Key's Given to Peter

by: Betty C. Clark

Sunday, March 15th, 2009

Introduction :

Peter's Confession of Christ, Matt. 16:16 . . .

. . . Matt. 16:19 ()

I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven ; whatever you
bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose
on earth will be loosed in heaven.

( To read the full lesson, see link below ) :


Blog Archive
▼ 2009 (12)
▼ March (12)

()Understanding The Key's Given to Peter
()Christ Brought Me Up Also Out Of A Horrible Pit
()The Three Pillars : Christ our Center Point
()Turkey the Horse's Head Peninsula






Blog Archive
▼ 2009 (23)
▼ February (23)
DREAM: SY-russ (Cyrus)
DREAM: Baby Girl, born 3-21-2009
DREAM: 4 Christmas Cards, 2012, Holy Dance upon Hi...
Dream : 18 Candle's on a Cake
DREAM: Iranian/Egyptian Terrorist Micro Chip/Cheer...
VISION :~Knowing when to rollover/turn back
DREAM: Why was Elvis living on a stainless steel s...
STORY: The Kiss of Betrayal Parallel’s the Kiss of...
VISION: The Baby Closet-treasure-chest Vision
Manifestation : GODDARD Angel Visitation
Enlightenment: Mino, 1960 electric coffee pot
Gemetria: `The K-9 Vehicle, 29`
VISION : Acid/Alkaline Chestnut/Husbandry
PENNY, stories
DREAM:Severed female body parts (dragon)
VISION: Throne Room of Heaven
DREAM : Quid Pro Quo (leathery human skin wings)
Deadly Wound To The Head
Message :Saint Bartholomew Day Massacre, medallion...
The grave of America
`The Explosion`, People Human Cargo



Blog Archive

▼ 2009 (35)

▼ December (35)

INDEX : Seeking Surrender To God, 1959-2009


Message:Mount Holy Hill Olivet 2nd Coming, Messiah...

Message:Prophecy Flood mid-Continent Rift System

MESSAGES: Bird Revelations (Visionary)

Message: Benjamin the Cup Sceptre of Christ

Messages : Inspired Biblical Parallel's

Message: 6666 Lunar Eclipse 06-15-2011

Message: `The J Code`

Message:Michigan White Moose/FEMA/NAFTA

Message: 4334 (Boy King Joash(Betrayal)Death of At...

Messages:Christmas 2009, 5 days of God, manifestations...

Message:Garment of Light(Departed Loved Ones/Heaven...


Dream:The Brown Bull Mesopotamia Iraq Plot

Dream:The Pink Bacteria (China Testing on Tibet)

Dream:Churches' Gas Mask

Dream:Garage doors Rolling into Floor

Dream:Obama whisper's in the ear of non-democratic...

Dream: `Paying For Theatre With A Dime`

Message:Embassy Under Strike of Weapons(Asia)

Dream : 8888 (Sovereignty of God)

Vision:Victim Killed, Cynthia Anderson (Toledo, Ohio)...

Vision:Eastern Time Zone/153 Fishes(USA attacked)

Dream: Brad Pitt Name Change

Vision:Throne Room of Heaven/Stem Cell Discovery, ...

Dream: Carmen's Suitcase ( hidden )

Vision: Japan Atomic Solar Flares, June 15

Message: Shalvaton Brugthon Devons

Vision:Pipestone, MN (map) Amerindians From Israel...

Message:(MOUNT) April 20, 2008, Passover

Message: Ezechias Tunnel

Message:Lead Them . . . the one True God

Dream:The Exploding Silver Tea Cup

911:Vision: September 11, 2001: `the Clock`


My Blogs Team Members

Bio : Betty Culpepper Clark
DNA Science Constructs Path To God
Dreams Visions Messages 2
Prophecy Flood Mid-continent Rift System
Acco Israel Earthquake Haniel 99
Bird Revelations Job 12:7
Ezechias Tunnel-Temple Mount
Historical Stories-Holistic Warrior
Japan Atomic Solar Flares
Benjamin the Cup/Sceptre of Christ
Eyes (Ayin) of the Madonna
Biblical Stories
The `J` Code: Joshua,Jordan,Je...
Michigan's White Garden with Moose
Cradle of Crime, Strings of Esther
Daughter's of God Prayer Cloth Mission
Pipestone Amerindians from Israel

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